Food Industry

Sam and Emma host Tony Delorio, Secretary-Treasurer of the Teamsters Local 665, to discuss the recent organizing efforts at Amy’s Kitchen in Los Angeles. Then Sam and Emma are joined by India Walton, former mayoral candidate in Buffalo and Senior Strategic Organizer at Roots Action, to discuss the push to cancel student debt in the U.S. Tony, Sam, and Emma dive right […]
Emma hosts Drew Pendergrass, doctoral student in Environmental Engineering at Harvard University, and Troy Vettese, environmental historian at the European University Institute, to discuss their recent book Half-Earth Socialism: A Plan to Save the Future From Extinction, Climate Change, and Pandemics, on putting together a socialist model for a society that operates without economic markets and with respect for ecological […]
Sam and Emma host New Yorker contributor Eyal Press to discuss his recent book Dirty Work: Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequality in America, on the moral division of labor and the emotional burden of getting by for countless Americans. They start off with Everett Hughes’ essay “Good People and Dirty Work” and how the unconscious mandate that […]
Professor Marion Nestle, author of Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health (California Studies in Food and Culture), explains the politics behind the food we eat, how we can make better choices and the future of food policy in America. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can […]
Dr. Robert Lustig President of the Institute For Responsible Nutrition explains the food myths that are driving disease in America and around the globe, why not all calories are created equal, the collusion between food industry and government, the myth of individual responsibility and what we need to do to end the American public health […]