free trade

Happy Monday! Sam and Emma host Quinn Slobodian, professor of the History of Ideas at Wellesley College, to discuss his recent book Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy. Sam and Emma start off by checking in on the numerous improprieties of the conservative Supreme Court justices Gorsuch, Thomas, and Roberts, as well as […]
Sam and Emma host David Dayen, executive editor of the American Prospect, to discuss the recent issue of the magazine, entitled “How We Broke the Supply Chain”, walking through how the policies of the last forty years, from globalization and monopolization to financialization and deregulation, served to create a fragile supply line that maximizes profits while minimizing production. To […]
Lori Wallach (@WallachLori), the Director and Founder of Global Trade Watch at Public Citizen, joins us to discuss the new NAFTA. On today’s show: Howard Schultz says his favorite presidents of the past 50 years are Reagan & FDR. Lori Wallach, the Director and Founder of Global Trade Watch at Public Citizen, joins us to […]
Clyde Prestowitz the President of the President of the Economic Strategy Institute, explains the faulty thinking behind the TPP. Why America’s China policy is incoherent and our TPP policy shows us why. Brining China into the WTO and why it didn’t cut the American trade deficit. Why our assumptions about trade deals are wrong. How China’s […]
Journalist David Dayen, explains how the foreclosure crisis is still hurting Americans. Does the ongoing crisis in inequality explain the failure of Fast Track trade authority to pass the Senate? What’s in the TPP and why its awful. President Obama’s war against Elizabeth Warren. Why Washington is wired to pass terrible trade deals. Why TPP […]
Writer Matt Stoller explains origins of free trade deals and why they are not going away, why modern free trade had its start in the 1930s, the utopian desire for a one world government, who is George Ball and why he matters the roots of a common market and governance, the evolving elite view of […]
Huffington Post economics reporter Zach Carter, explains what the Trans Pacific Partnership is, how leaked documents show that the Obama Administration is pushing for a stun growth of Corporate power in the TPP trade deal, how the TPP could undermine financial regulation and make medications more expansive, how TPP undermines democratic institutions and will Congress […]