Social Democracy

Nathan J. Robinson (@NathanJRobinson), editor of Current Affairs, joins us to discuss his book, Why You Should Be a Socialist. On today’s show: An update on the fires in Australia. US government may start collecting people’s DNA at borders. Kellyanne Conway spins Trump’s tweet threatening to destroy Iranian cultural sites. Nathan J. Robinson joins us to […]
Political theorist and author Michael Walzer, explains the historical context of our present crisis. What the Left needs to do now. Why the Left is in crisis globally. The importance of defending social democracy. The three things the Left needs to do. Why we need to see the rise of the Right globally. The practical […]
Cliff Schecter explains why Tim Kaine won the after debate. Why this was a terrible week for Ted Cruz and good for Mike Pence 2020. Why Hillary Clinton might win big and the Democrats might retake Congress. On The Fun Half: Donald Trump gets low energy. The holocaust-denying neo-nazis who support Donald Trump. Hurricanes are a […]
University of Notre Dame Professor, Benjamin Radcliff  author of the new book The Political Economy of Human Happiness: How Voters’ Choices Determine the Quality of Life, explains the importance of studying happiness in politics, what countries are the most happy and why, why more social safety nets and strong labor movements means more satisfied people, why policies that help […]