tayyip erdogan

Good morning, Djene Bajalan joins Michael Brooks to discuss the current state of Turkey and Erdogan’s role in the Middle East. Plus, how might a Democratic president approach diplomatic relations with Erdogan’s government? Michael and Djene kick off their discussion with an assessment of the Democratic field’s foreign policy agendas. Djene believes the way forward […]
Joining correspondent Michael Brooks on today’s program is Steven A. Cook (@stevenacook), the Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, to discuss the status of America’s Syria withdrawal and how Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and John Bolton’s cancelled meeting can help explain where the US Turkish relationship […]
Steven Cook (@StevenACook), the Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations joins us on the show today, along with Michael Flynn’s blatant cooperation with the Turkish government. Turkey’s history as a “Frenemy” to the US. Who is Fethullah Gülen and why did the Turks have Mike […]
On Matt & Michael Monday, Journalist Rafia Zakaria explains how why simplistic narratives of human suffering in developing countries can undermine political progress, the problems with foreign aid, the link between US foreign aid and military strategy, how women’s rights are harmed can be harmed by western advocacy, the women’s rights crisis in Pakistan and […]