
Cliff Schecter explains some of the best and worst political events of 2013, how the sequester, the budget deal and unemployment insurance expiration all harm the most vulnerable Americans, how austerity is still hurting America, playing offense on Social Security and a more progressive caucus in the Senate, how we got filibuster reform, failure and […]
Huffington Post Congressional reporter, Michael McAuliff explains what the likely bill to avert the default will look like, the dangers of a “Grand Bargain” why the Democrats what budget negotiations, how the Democrats folded on the sequester, how conservatives lose the battle but are still winning the war and why Republicans in the House could still […]
Princeton Professor Martin Gilens explains how public policy in America have been distorted by income inequality, the shocking lack of influence middle class and poor Americans have in public policy, how this undermines government regulation and fighting poverty, will campaign finance reform help restore American democracy?The real reasons Americans hate welfare, race and welfare and […]
Free Press’s Tim Karr explained the background of President Obama’s new pick to head the FCC, who will control the Internet of the future, the drive by telecoms companies to control the Internet, Verzion’s Orwellian push to block your first amendment on the Internet and why net neutrality is still under threat. John Mullins, a […]
Cliff Schecter explained the Washington DC NRA lobbying complex, the companies pulling out of the gun business, is the gun control intensity gap a myth? Pat Toomey sees a approval rating surge after supporting gun control and Kelly Ayotte’s plummets after opposing it, the future of gun control, Congress acts on the Sequester in the […]
David Dayen, explained how sequester cuts will impact the economy, how long it will take to feel the Sequester, the politics of the sequester, why the local media is doing a better job covering the sequester, the teachable moment the Obama Administration is missing, why a government shutdown maybe the best anti austerity strategy and […]
Cliff Schecter, explained how damaging the sequester would be, why America is held back by the lowest common denominator, can President Obama use the sequester as a teachable moment? Crowd boos mother of Aurora victim and John McCain is a jerk, the Chuck Hagel “Friends of Hamas” smear and Ohio Republicans go after Nuns for […]