Federalist Society

Sam and Emma host Mark Joseph Stern, staff writer at Slate, to discuss the potential nominees for Biden’s SCOTUS pick. Then, Sam and Emma are joined by Annelle Sheline, Middle East research fellow at the Quincy Institute, to discuss the ongoing situation in Yemen. Mark Joseph Stern begins by situating Breyer’s brief moment as the leader of the Liberal […]
It’s Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Natalie Shure, columnist at the New Republic  and health policy expert, to discuss developments in federal health policy to expect with upcoming legislation and Supreme Court decisions. They begin with the state of Roe v. Wade, as the American public waits for a decision on the Mississippi law banning abortion […]
Sam, broadcasting from his remote studio, is joined by Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC), Justice Correspondent at the Nation, to discuss his March cover story, “If We Don’t Reform the Supreme Court, Nothing Else Will Matter.” On today’s show: Why aren’t they postponing the primaries? Sam is joined by Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC), Justice Correspondent at the Nation, to discuss […]
New Republic Senior Editor Brian Beutler explains the new split inside the conservative legal movement. What is the Federalist Society and what does it do. Why conservative judicial activists are moving even further away from “restraint”. Randy Barnett and the Libertarian faction of the Federalist Society. How a little known legal case called Lochner is […]