Conspiracy Theory

It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! She speaks with blogger Ettingermentum of the “Ettingermentum Newsletter” on SubStack, to discuss Kamala Harris’s campaign now that she’s selected Tim Walz as her running mate. Then, she speaks with Jesselyn Cook, writer at NBCNews and HuffPost and 2025 Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, to discuss her recent book The Quiet Damage: […]
It’s another EmMajority Report Thursday! She speaks with James Risen, senior national security correspondent at The Intercept, and co-author Thomas Risen, to discuss their recent book The Last Honest Man: The CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and the Kennedys—and One Senator’s Fight to Save Democracy. First, Emma runs through updates on ANOTHER Fed rate raise despite cooling inflation, […]
It’s Casual Friday! Sam hosts Heather Digby Parton, contributing writer at and proprietor of the blog Hullabaloo, to round up the week in news. Although technical difficulties cut the episode slightly short, Digby and Sam touch on the two year anniversary of the World Health Organization’s declaration of the COVID-19 Pandemic, diving into what we’ve learned about our rampant individualist […]
Sam hosts Kelly Weill, reporter at the Daily Beast, to discuss her recent book Off the Edge: Flat Earthers, Conspiracy Culture, and Why People Will Believe Anything. Kelly begins by situating her research into flat earthers as a case study in people’s inclination to faith and belief, separating the flat earth belief from other conspiracies in how – […]
Sam and Emma host David Sirota, founder of and editor at The Daily Poster, to discuss the tough developments around progressive hopes for the Biden Administration, including bipartisan dead-ends, bad-faith attacks on Ilhan Omar, and the possibilities of filibuster reform in the Senate. Sam, Emma, and David touch on the power of narcissistic spotlight syndrome, and how […]
Sam hosts New Orleans epidemiologist Dr. MarkAlain Dery to discuss the state of the Coronavirus in the US, including the science behind the vaccines, and why people should remain vigilant as more infectious variants begin to spread across the country. And in the Fun Half: the church of Donald Trump, Mike Lindell predicts the end […]
Sam hosts David Dayen (@ddayen), executive editor at The American Prospect, and Matt Binder (@MattBinder), host of the DOOMED podcast and writer at Mashable. On today’s show: Whistleblower Dr. Rick Bright says winter 2020 could be “darkest in modern history.” David Dayen (@ddayen), executive editor at The American Prospect, joins Sam to break down the House […]
Anna Merlan (@annamerlan), reporter at G/O Media (formerly Gizmodo Media Group), joins us to discuss her book, Republic of Lies: American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power. On today’s show: Trish Regan says deep state GOP is banging war drum to make Trump look bad before 2020. Anna Merlan joins us to discuss her new book, Republic […]
Alex Jones has an emergency alert to warn us that the elite are fighting the Tea Party. Why the elites want a world financial collapse. The one fact that Alex Jones nailed. Trump continues to dominate the Republican Primary and Sam called it when he Trump first jumped into the race and why Donald Trump […]