
5/9 Adam Sheingate: The Rise of Political Consulting and the Transformation of American Democracy

May 9, 2016

Adam Sheingate an associate professor and chair of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University and author of Building a Business of Politics: The Rise of Political Consulting and the Transformation of American Democracy explains the origins and history of political consulting in the United States. The role of California and corporations in American political consulting. Corporate clients and the branding of national insurance. How effective is political consulting? What part of political consulting is the most reliable source of revenue and how the cost of politics is inflated.

On The Fun Half: Tucker Carelson is offended that Obama would say be proud of your blackness. President Obama explains the power of strategic organizing. NOI Obama drops in. Is John McCain in trouble? North Carolina goes to the mat to discriminate against Transgender people and keep down wages. Pat Robertson still crazy. Donald Trump is not gonna be a candidate of peace and your calls and IMs.

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