
1/5 David Neiwert: Oregon, Oath Keepers & the III Percenters

January 5, 2016

Investigative journalist David Neiwert explains what is motivating the militiamen who have takeover the Federal Wildlife Refuge in Oregon (12:55). The armed wing of the Koch brothers efforts to destroy America’s public lands. Religions role in the far Right militia movement (19:40). The different strains of the extremist right. The Oath Keepers and the many ways that Right Wing groups threaten public safety. How racism drives the movement and why do we take the Militia movement seriously at all (29:54)?

And how much Raman do the Oregon survivalists have with them?

On The Fun Half: President Obama issues new executive orders on gun safety and “Nation of Islam Obama” explains the real plan. We take a call form our favorite right wing caller Doug. And your calls and your IMs.

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