War in Vietnam

It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! Emma speaks with Noah Kulwin and Brendan James to discuss the most recent season of the Blowback podcast. Then, she speaks with Ross Barkan, contributing writer at New York Magazine and columnist at Crain’s New York, to discuss his recent piece published in The Nation entitled “Is Eric Adams’s Luck About to Run Out?” First, Emma […]
Sam and Emma host Samuel Moyn, Professor of History at Yale University, to discuss his recent book Humane: How the United States Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War, on how the evolving face of the American Empire has changed the way we perceive war, and what we can do to get the conversation back on track. Starting all the […]
Nick Turse, author of Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam explained the horrifying brutality inflicted on Vietnamese civilians, why the My Lai massacre was not an aberration, how “Kill Anything That Moves” was systemic a policy, the missing narrative Vietnamese civilians and how we can use Vietnam to better understand U.S. military interventions […]