South Carolina

It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! Emma makes her triumphant return from the West Coast. She speaks with Henry Grabar, staff writer at Slate, to discuss his recent book Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains The World. Then, she is joined by Marilyn Thompson, reporter at ProPublica, to discuss her recent reporting in South Carolina on Rep. James Clyburn. First, Emma runs through updates […]
Sam and Emma host freelance journalist Chris Pomorski to discuss his recent piece in The New Republic “When Innocence Isn’t Enough.” Then they are joined by Amjad Iraqi, editor at 972 Magazine, to discuss the recent violence in the Gaza Strip. Emma and Sam begin by covering updates on the DOJ search warrant for Mar-a-Lago, the continuing emergency in Jackson, the […]
Comedian Kate Willett (@katewillett), Brandon Sutton (@prettybadlefty), and Dave Wiegel (@daveweigel) of The Washington Post join Sam on the last Casual Friday before Super Tuesday! On today’s show: The crew reacts to the New York Times’ story about superdelegates threatening to steal the nomination from Bernie at the convention. What impact will the corona virus […]
Jacobin Editor,  Megan Erickson, explains the new technology myth spreading across Public Education. Paulo Freire’s critique of the “banking” model of education and what is an abundance mentality in education. The movement towards privatising education and the business opportunity it poses. The private school chain in Peru that inspires privacy advocates in the United States. […]
Cliff Schecter explains the overwhelming evidence that gun control works. Racism and the creation of the conservative movement. From the Civil War to the modern NRA and how the Right uses racism to advance its cause. Why the Republicans won’t call the Charelston terrorist attacks racist. Jeb Bush’s insane comments on the attack. Lindsey Graham […]