
2/28 The Superdelegate Threat, The Impact Of Corona Virus, & South Carolina Update w/ Kate Willett, Brandon Sutton & Dave Weigel

February 28, 2020

Comedian Kate Willett (@katewillett), Brandon Sutton (@prettybadlefty), and Dave Wiegel (@daveweigel) of The Washington Post join Sam on the last Casual Friday before Super Tuesday!

On today’s show: The crew reacts to the New York Times’ story about superdelegates threatening to steal the nomination from Bernie at the convention. What impact will the corona virus have on the election?

Dave Weigel (@daveweigel), of The Washington Post, joins us with an update from South Carolina, Biden’s poll numbers, and the impact of mainstream press coverage. Biden’s potential impact on Bloomberg. Dave’s take on the NYT superdelegate story.

Trump Wednesday press conference on corona virus: “treat it like the flu, right?” Bad morale on floor of New York stock market.

On the fun half: Rush Limbaugh: “the corona virus is an effort to get Trump.” Don Jr. says Democrats want corona virus to kill millions of people. Mulvaney repeats talking point that corona virus is an effort by the press to take down Trump. Fox News interviews man out of corona virus quarantine. Rep. Doggett (D-TX) asks Azar about N95 masks availability for healthcare workers. Garth Brooks wears Barry Sanders jersey to football game, angers fans. Betsy DeVos doesn’t know or care how many charter schools are failing. Diamond & Silk go deep at CPAC.

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