police reform

Happy Monday! Sam and Emma speak with Edwin Raymond, whistleblower & former lieutenant in the New York Police Department, to discuss his recent book An Inconvenient Cop: My Fight To Change Policing In America, co-authored with Jon Sternfeld. Check out Edwin’s book here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/719823/an-inconvenient-cop-by-edwin-raymond-with-jon-sternfeld/ Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie […]
It’s Hump Day! Sam speaks with Yohuru Williams, historian and founding director of the Racial Justice Initiative at the University of St. Thomas, and Michael Lansing, Professor of History at Augsburg University, to discuss their documentary project on the history of the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) entitled “Overpoliced and Underprotected in MSP.” Then, he’s joined […]
Sam and Emma host Rosa Brooks, law professor at Georgetown University, to discuss her recent book Tangled Up In Blue: Policing in the American City, and her experiences as a part-time volunteer reserve police officer in Washington, D.C. Professor Brooks discusses how she came to the topic; following her work on “How Everything Became War […]
Sam hosts Daniel Nichanian (@Taniel), Founder and Editorial Director of The Appeal: Political Report, to discuss his What’s on the Ballot? project and the local and state criminal justice votes that could shape the future of immigration enforcement and policing. On today’s show: Chuck Schumer says the Democrats will boycott Judiciary Committee vote on ACB […]
Sam hosts Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) of The Benjamin Dixon Show and David Roth (@david_j_roth) of the New Republic to discuss this week’s top stories and the continued protests against police brutality. On today’s show: Harris Faulker asks Trump why he referenced “looting and shooting” from 1968, brings up its racist origins. Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) of The Benjamin Dixon […]
Brooklyn College professor Alex Vitale (@avitale) joins Sam to discuss law enforcement reform, police abolition, and his book The End of Policing. (Free ebook version available now from Verso books!) On today’s show: Brian Kilmeade cannot believe we’re talking about defunding the cops. Ainsley fearmongers about crime rising if people can no longer call 911 in NYC. Brooklyn College […]