It’s Hump Day! Sam speaks with Ari Tolany, research consultant for Women for Weapons Trade Transparency, to discuss her recent piece that she co-authored in In These Times entitled “How Israel Got an Endless Supply of U.S.-Made Smart Bombs.” Then, Sam speaks with Andi Dymond, member of the contract bargaining team for the Columbia College Chicago Faculty Union, to discuss […]
Sam and Emma host Blake Emerson, assistant professor at the UCLA School of Law, to discuss some of the recent rulings coming out of the 5th Circuit. Then, Sam and Emma are joined by Leah Litman, assistant professor at Michigan Law School and contributor to Slate, to discuss the recent SCOTUS ruling for Sen. Ted Cruz against […]
Law professor and author of Other People’s Houses: How Decades of Bailouts, Captive Regulators, and Toxic Bankers Made Home Mortgages a Thrilling Business Jennifer Taub explains the problem with the term “Cramdown”, the story of the Noblemans and fraud in the housing market, the transformation of the Savings and Loan industry, why tax payers hold the bag […]