
12/13 How Russia Hacked America—And Why It Will Happen Again w/ Julia Ioffe

December 13, 2017

On today’s show, The Atlantic’s Julia Ioffe joins us to discuss joins us to discuss her recent article in The Atlantic, What Putin Really Wants. While many Americans view Putin’s government as a powerful, well-oiled machine, Ioffe says it’s more like a messy, corruption-riddled bureaucracy with its various factions not always working together. “The Sopranos” is referenced.

On the fun half: Mike from PA calls in with detailed analysis of what drove Jones’ win in the Alabama election, Weird Mike tries and fails to mess with another alpha cuck Jew, Jake Tapper schools a Roy Moore spokesman on the constitution, Alex Jones says Trump’s accusers are not attractive enough for him to molest, and the gang takes on right-wing asshat “Sargon of Akkad” a.k.a. Carl of Youtube.

Cast: Sam Seder (@samseder), Michael Brooks (@_michaelbrooks) Matt Lech (@mattlech), Jamie Peck (@jamie_elizabeth), Brendan Finn (@BF1nn)

Today is Break the Internet day! Call representatives and tell them to save the Internet today! https://www.battleforthenet.com/breaktheinternet/

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