
6/13 Matthew Karp: This Vast Southern Empire: Slaveholders at the Helm of American Foreign Policy

June 13, 2017

Republicans move towards destroying health care  and Democrats need to slow them down. Ben Carson wants government out of health care, mainstream delusions about Democratic Party politics.

Assistent Professor of History Matthew Karp, author of, This Vast Southern Empire: Slaveholders at the Helm of American Foreign Policy, explains why scholarship is looking again at the Civil War. Our political moment and the South. Capitalisms origins. Slavery and capital. How the politics of slavery were viewed historically. John C Calhoun and America’s slave based foreign policy. Using a Cold War lens to understand southern foreign policy thinking. The Texas treaty and the fear of anti slavery politics. British anti slavery and the fusion of moral and economic anti slavery arguments. States rights and federal policy and “big government” foreign policy on behalf of elites.

On The Fun Half: Jeff Sessions set to testify in front of the Intelligence Committee. Donald Trump Jr, basically confirms what James Comey said. Trump is considering firing Robert Mueller. Alex Jones feels mislead by Megyn Kelly. Trump gets praised by his cabinet. Ivanka Trumo whines about how hard it is. Wayne Allen Root has weird ideas about dating. Joy Reid has insane arguments against Bernie Sanders. What happens when an Alt Right basement dweller meets real oath keepers? John Major concerned about the DUP propping up the Conservative government and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech, Kelly Carey @kellycarey 

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