
6/6 New Evidence of Russian Hacking & the FBI Arrests an NSA Whistleblower

June 6, 2017

Pat Robertson muses that British people might want to die in terrorist attacks, because of political correctness.

Russian hackers appear to have triad to hack computers used for voting. Why voting integrity is a structural problem in America. The FBI arrests an NSA leaker. The Trump Administration admits that the Russia investigation is derailing their agenda. Trump is not confirming appointees. Trump can’t find a good lawyer and how many people are trying to get out of the Trump Administration?

On The Fun Half: Trump gives the airline industry a big favor. Medicade buy-in in Nevada? Gorka defends Tump’s crazy tweets on the Muslim ban. Laura Ingraham says Trump needs less tweets. Alex Jones has a new Hijab theory and your calls and IMs and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech, Kelly Carey @kellycarey 

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Past Episodes

It's Hump Day! Sam speaks with MT Snyder, Field Examiner at the NLRB and co-president of National Labor Relations Board Union Local 20 in San Francisco, to discuss what it's been like as a federal worker given the Trump administration's constant interferences into their workplaces. Then, he ...
It's News Day Tuesday! Sam and Emma speak with Gil Duran, journalist based in California, proprietor of the website The Nerd Reich, co-writer of the FrameLab newsletter, to discuss his recent piece in The Nerd Reich entitled "'Reboot' Revealed: Elon Musk's CEO-Dictator Playbook." First, Sam and ...
It's ESVN Week #112! Emma and Bradley react to a surprising Super Bowl outcome, and discuss reports that Aaron Rodgers won't be returning to the Jets. Follow Emma and Bradley on Twitter: @EmmaVigeland @BradKAlsop Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/