
7/13 Eddie Glaude Jr: Police Murders & Why He Will Not Vote for Clinton

July 13, 2016

Eddie Glaude Jr, Chairman of the Department of African American Studies at Princeton University talks about how segregation and racism still works in America. Policing and Convict Labor. What can you do to undo generations of discrimination. Reaganism and the reverse of Civil Right. Blaming black people for being murdered by Police. The exhaustion of trying to convince white people of the reality of black oppression and suffering. Policing and democracy. The Dallas Police shooting and due process. Why we need to eliminate bail. How the Democratic Party exploits its base. Why Donald Trump represents the rot at the heart of the country and the smartest way to vote in the 2016 election. The exploitation of Black and Brown voters by the Democratic Party and how to hold Hillary Clinton accountable.

Song: “Fear,” by Islands.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump makes no sense. President Obama addresses Dallas. George W Bush acts strange at the Dallas Memorial. Jeb Bush lost because of the Pope? Fox News brings up “Black on Black” crime to attack President Obama. Systemic injustice and how to address crime. Glenn Beck things the end is finally happening and your calls and  IMs.

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