
8/25 Jeet Heer: Donald Trump Is Not a Populist. He’s the Voice of Aggrieved Privilege

August 25, 2015

New Republic Senior Editor Jeet Heer explains why Donald Trump is not a real populist. Why America has distorted the meaning of populism. Richard Hofstadter’s “status anxiety” and the raw reality of power politics. Trump’s economic positions and why his base does not care. Why Trump is the Republican ideal going back to the Reagan era. Is Trump making overt racism normal again. What does Trump really want? Also getting real about what populism is.

On The Fun Half: Jeb Bush sticks to his guns on saying “anchor babies” but blames it on Asians! China and birth tourism. A atheist fan calls in to debate Sam. How dangerous is Donald Trump? And your calls and IMs.

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