
1/22 Johann Hari: Chasing The Scream: the Story of the Drug War You Never Heard Before

January 22, 2015

Journalist Johann Hari, explains the motivation for his new book Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on DrugsWhy were drugs banned to begin with and what really creates drug addiction. Harry J. Anslinger the most important person you never heard of. Anslinger’s racism and obsession with Billie Holiday. The racist roots of the drug war. The heroism of Billie Holiday and the white supremacist crusade that destroyed. Arnold Rothstein and invention of modern drug dealing. Why cartels are so violent. Former drug warriors who want to end the war on drugs. Debunking drug addiction myths. What we can learn from Portugal. Also why drugs are a social problem not an individual one.

On The Fun Half: why do we ignore poverty? the Sam Seder Libertarian Learning Annex reopens. We hear from our most incoherent libertarian caller. And the rest of your calls and IMs.

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Past Episodes

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