
11/30 Cliff Schecter & Isabel Gillies: Casual Friday

November 30, 2012

Cliff Schecter explained by President Obama’s opening offer on grand bargain negotiations was hugely encouraging, how progressives are flexing more musclewhat does Obama’s new more aggressive negotiating strategy mean for his second term? Sam and Cliff chuckle over  charles krauthammer Civil War meltdown and assess how delusional the Romney campaign was/is.

Sam told Isabel Gillie’s why he is in a bad mood, Sam explained why Skyfall sucked and Isabel recommended the documentary Secrecy and revealed that her father worked for the CIA.

A new song from Jimmy Reefercake, The UN recognizes Palestine, Bradley Manning’s Court case begins with harrowing testimony on his treatment in detention, do Republicans want Kerry for Secretary of State? and Sam closes us out with a Random Rush.

And keep the conversation going on the morning thread!  

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