
9/28 Pelosi Backs Off Two-Track Strategy: How Will The Progressive Caucus Respond?

September 28, 2021

Sam and Emma are on Shutdown Watch today. They tackle the week ahead in Congressional negotiations and gridlock, as we hurtle towards the potential scuttling of Biden’s agenda and looming financial crisis if no action is taken. They start the show by touching on the increasingly polarized divide in COVID deaths between Trump and non-Trump districts, unpacking Breitbart’s claim that this is because of libs capitalizing on the “own the libs” mentality, and dive into Senator Cotton’s pressing of General Milley on Afghanistan and what the role of resignation should actually play in politics. Next, they dive into the complete turnaround on the infrastructure platform over the last few days, with Pelosi almost entirely chucking the deal that’s been worked on for the last few months to the side in favor of a minuscule minority of corporate Dems, looking particularly at the role of Manchin’s increasingly ridiculous arguments, from inflation and debt to the importance of “rewarding mentality (???)”, and how Sinema is sticking to her guns despite the upcoming vote of no confidence by the AZ Democratic Party on her service to her constituents. They also look specifically at how mainstream media coverage has turned on the infrastructure debate, suddenly forgetting the public statements made since Biden’s campaign, highlighted by Meet The Press’s repetition of a Meghan McCain quote that simply is wrong fact after fact, before looking at Jayapal continuing to stick up for the Congressional Progressive Caucus and covering the complete abandonment of Biden’s original platform.

And in the Fun Half: Nomiki Konst joins Sam and Emma as they cover Jack Posobiec accidentally inventing vaccines as an anti-vax solution, Scott Jensen’s extended discussion of what comes out of his anus (incidentally it’s NOT his talking points), as well as Hasan Piker and Ethan Klein’s new show. They also touch on the importance of localized messaging heading into the midterms, watch Tucker Carlson and Naomi Wolf reminisce on the total lack of moralizing and the incredible empathy shown to AIDS victims during the epidemic, and cover Jayapal’s recent release on behalf of the CPC. George from Portland gives Matt Lech the apology he has long deserved, plus, your calls and IMs!

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Past Episodes

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