
9/13 Debate Wrap-Up & The Art Of The Prank w/ Digby & Chris James

September 13, 2019

Digby (@digby56) and comedian and prank call master Chris James (@theCJS) join us for Casual Friday.

On today’s show: Biden’s teeth fall out.

Digby (@digby56) of Salon.com joins us to break down the Democratic primary debates. The Democratic Party’s move to the left. Biden’s awful reparations answer. Jorge Ramos asks Bernie why he won’t call Maduro a dictator. Beto explains why AR-15 will be a mandatory buyback. NRA Magazine in 1962: AR-15 “for military purposes.” Jamie gives her take on Beto’s framing.

Chris James (@theCJS), comedian and host of the Not Even A Show show on YouTube, joins us to talk pranking right wing media, including: Curt Schilling, JJ McCartney, Roger Stone on Infowars, and the deplorable who shut down his whole call-in operation afterwards.

On the fun half: Warren and Bernie explains the false choice of taxes vs. cost of healthcare. Biden says taxes will go up under Medicare for All. Warren and Bernie ask who likes insurance companies and paying premiums. Biden explains how his Medicare Choice opt in would work. Julian Castro responds to Biden’s opt in, asks “Did you just forget what you said minutes ago?” Trump shares dystopian plan to “clean up” homelessness.

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Check out today’s sponsor: Mova Globes: With over 40 different designs including world maps, outer space, and famous artworks, there’s something for everyone. Visit www.movaglobes.com/majority and use the code majority for 10% off your purchase

Get involved with Close The Camps NYC’s non-violent direct action this coming weekend at closethecampsnyc.com or visit closethecamps.us to find actions in your area!

Get your tickets to the Goth Socialist Variety Hour w/ The Antifada and Pod Damn America at Littlefield NYC on Saturday, October 12 here!

Get your tickets to the Michael Brooks live show in Philadelphia on Saturday, November 23rd (the weekend before Thanksgiving) with special guests Krystal Ball and Emma Vigeland! Get your tickets here.

Check out Jamie’s write-up of the 2019 DSA convention at Commune Magazine!

Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips

Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes.

Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or the new Antifada Youtube channel

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