
7/25 The Fall of Wisconsin w/ Dan Kaufman

July 25, 2018

Journalist Dan Kaufman (@dankaufman70) joins us to discuss his new book, The Fall of Wisconsin: The Conservative Conquest of a Progressive Bastion and the Future of American Politics.

On today’s show: Larry Kudlow shares “details” of Trump’s tax break 2.0.

Journalist Dan Kaufman joins us to discuss how Wisconsin went from a union stronghold to a state ruled by the GOP and plagued by austerity. WI’s history as a progressive bastion and its association with the early, labor-friendly version of the Republican Party. How the slow war of attrition turned hot in 2010 with the rise of the Tea Party. The racism-fueled career of Governor Scott Walker. How Citizens United emboldened Republicans in 2010, and how establishment Democrats like Obama largely abandoned labor struggles during this time. How the decimation of unions swung working class voters from Obama to Trump and depressed turnout among Democrats. Why the militant energy petered out after the unsuccessful campaign to recall Scott Walker. What’s next for labor in WI? Walker’s vulnerabilities in his upcoming election.

A new fun half song is played!!!

On the fun half: John from San Antonio on a potentially misleading poll from Chris Cillizza that ranks Joe Biden as the #1 frontrunner for the 2020 nomination. Ronald Raygun cheats on us, calls into C-SPAN. Third Way convention makes a plan to fight back against “Sanderism;” Sam and Briahna Grey discuss on MSNBC. Meghan McCain freaks out about “socialism,” doesn’t realize the Bernie way is the nice way. Chris Cuomo reveals Cohen and Trump tape talking about Karen McDougal payment. The Nixon smoking gun tape. BBC anchor Emily Maitlis to Sean Spicer: “you have corrupted discourse for the entire world.” Trump announces farm subsidies. Swedish student’s plane protest stops Afghan man’s deportation “to hell.” A listener recalls being hit in the face by right-wing comedian Owen Benjamin.

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