Alexis Goldstein (@alexisgoldstein) to discuss how Wall Street will rob us via the GOP and Trump Admin. Wall Street’s professed values for diversity and “pinkwashing.” How bankers thought nationalization was more of a possibility post-financial crisis than lawmakers did. The current significance of Dodd-Frank and the reality of “over-regulation” rhetoric. How DeVos and Ben Carson can cause damage despite not knowing anything.
Then, Michael Shure (@MichaelShure) on the prospects for the GOP’s cobbled together Obamacare replacement. Why Michael thinks the replacement will die in the House.
On the fun half – Bob Beckel says Trump is losing it, Chaffetz thinks medical debt is because people like iPhone, Ben Carson has thoughts on brains and slavery (but apparently not housing), Seb Gorka thinks VOICE is “un-American.”
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