
10/8 Jeff Smith: Mr. Smith Goes to Prison

October 8, 2015

Former Missouri State Senator and author of  Mr. Smith Goes to Prison: What My Year Behind Bars Taught Me About America’s Prison Crisis explains the campaign violation that sent him to prison. Where Jeff Smith served his prison sentence and why he always supported prison reform. The untapped potential of prison and the “underground economy”. Who makes up the prison population? The attitude of prison officials toward the prison system. All the special interests that want the prison system to stay as it is. How do prisoners survive and the need for an underground economy in prison and why the prison system keeps prisoners trapped.

On The Fun Half: Republicans knife Kevin McCarthy and he drops out of the Speakers race. Right Wing caller Dug debates the Constitution with Sam. This is how Ben Carson actually deals with a gunmen. Ben Carson also clearly has no idea what the debt limit is. Is China a existential threat?  Also your calls and IMs.

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