
12/22 Jane Landers: Ending Our Failed Cuba Policy

December 22, 2014

Vanderbilt history Professor, Jane Landers explains why the Cuba embargo only hurts non powerful Cubans, what corporate interests want from a Cuba deal? What did the Castro government mean for average Cubans? The failures of the Cuban revolution. Cuba’s role in revolutions in Africa. Are Cuba’s accomplishments in health and education real? And what comes next.

On The Better Half: The insane far right blames Mayor Bill de Blasio for the murder of two police officers in Brooklyn. New York City Police Union head Pat Lynch says May de Blasio has “blood on his hands”. Rudy Giuliani blames President Obama for the killings and we remember the role he played in Police riots against Mayor Dinkins. Ferguson prosecutor Bob Mcculloch admits he knew Grand Jury witness lied.

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