Matt Taibbi explains the stunning whistle blowing on JP Morgan Chase’s pushing of toxic securities, Alayne Fleischmann’s shocking experience inside JP Morgan Chase’s compliance department, JP Morgan Chase’s relationship with predatory lenders, “liars loans” and mortgage backed securities, proving systemic fraud at JP Morgan Chase, how analysts were forced to change reports on loans, how Alyana Fleischmann was cut out of the process after raising concerns about bad loans, exposing the banks lies on housing market risks, the governments shocking lack of interest in whistle blowing and the FCC’s weak response to Wall Street criminality, how Matt started reporting on Alayne Fleischmann’s story and what to expect from Loretta Lynch as Attorney General.
On The Fun Half: Matt Drudge says Obama backing Net Neutrality is “embracing his inner tyrant”, sharing a picture of President Obama in a traditional Chinese Tunic, President Obama’s excellent push for Net Neutrality, Nick Gillespie’s stupid and lazy Libertarian opposition to Net Neutrality, Rush Limbaugh sues the DCCC for using his words that he said against him and your calls and IMs.
And keep the conversation going on our morning thread
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