
7/22 Bob Ivry: The Seven Sins of Wall Street: Big Banks, their Washington Lackeys, and the Next Financial Crisis

July 22, 2014

Bob Ivry the author of The Seven Sins of Wall Street: Big Banks, their Washington Lackeys, and the Next Financial Crisis Bob Ivry explains why the sin of pride is the defining sin of Wall Street, why the 2008 financial crisis fully demonstrated the power of the big banks, the lost feeling of shame, the Citigroup settlement, the political constraints on Wall Street accountability, moral hazard, why Wall Street knows they can count on taxpayer protection, what Dodd Frank misses, why we need smaller banks, where the next financial crisis might come from and how Tim Geithner was able to distort the Obama Administration’s financial crisis response.

Two Republicans on the DC Circuit Court gut Obamacare but you probably don’t need to worry.

On The Fun Half: President Obama’s failure to address the refugee crisis at the border, Rick Perry’s border theatrics, a horrifying advertisement for the British National Party youth wing, Benjamin Netanyahu says a “‘A Man’s Gotta Do What a Man’s Gotta Do’, when Israel liked Hamas and your calls and IMs.

Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here

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