
11/16 Marc Maron & Cliff Schecter On Casual Friday

November 16, 2012

Cliff Schecter and Sam explained why Simpson-Bowles would tank the economy, where we can make smart cuts, all the money we waste on the Drug war, is Social Security safe?, are progressives drawing a line in the sand? a much more forceful President Obama and the Real John McCain.

Marc Maron talked about his record collection, what he worries about, his arc with Gina Gershon on the pilot of his tv show and recommended the documentary DR. Bronner’s Magic Soapbox.

And before we got to the Better Half a new song from Jimmy Reefercake.

the Better Half: why did Hostess go out of business? Don’t blame the Union, activists pressuring Macy’s to drop Donald Trump’s Cologne line, Sam overviews Israel’s military action in Gaza and movements across college campuses for divestment from companies profiting from the Occupation.

And keep the conversation going on the morning thread! 

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