
9/3 63 Days Until Harris V. Trump & The Ruling That May Change Social Media Forever

September 3, 2024

It’s News Day Tuesday! Sam is back from vacation, and he and Emma break down the biggest headlines from over the long weekend. First, they run through updates on the final 9 weeks before the US presidential election, Russia’s bombardment on Ukraine, domestic dissent to Israel’s expanding offensive as they turn to the West Bank, Unite Here labor action, Trump’s Arlington fiasco, RFK’s ballot fiasco, and Venezuela’s political crisis, before parsing through JD Vance’s Dimaggio-esque run of the most clinically insane misogyny. Next, they dive into updates on the presidential race with the election just 63 days out, tackling Biden’s backdown bump and RFK’s failed attempt to remove himself from swing-state ballots before parsing deeper through swing-state polling as the Harris campaign comes into full swing. Next, Sam and Emma look to a devastating and dominant decision coming out of the Third Circuit, with TikTok’s role in boosting an adolescent social media “Blackout” challenge resulting in the accidental death of a 10-year-old and producing the first successful challenge to Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act that established social media platforms as third-party speech, finally allowing for social media megacorporations to be held to account for their active curation of the speech that occurs on their sites. They then look to Israel’s shifting fronts in their ethnic cleansing of Palestine, first unpacking this weekend’s news about the death of six hostages in Palestinian captivity, and the underrecognized role that both Biden and Bibi’s uninhibited bloodlust played in making these murders possible, wrapping up the first half of the show by diving deep into Donald Trump’s eagerness to take on Zionist money in his continued commitment to the erasure of Palestine, including a plan to fund the annexation of the West Bank, and exploring what David Friedman’s take on the issue can illuminate for us all.

And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma have an expansive conversation with John from San Antonio with the 2024 US Presidential Election some nine weeks away, tackling historical parallels, the politics of polling, and the swing-state situation with polls. Brett Cooper (aka Femme Shapiro) celebrates the seminal moment of a conspiracy-backed grifter endorsing another conspiracy-backed grifter, Adam from New Hampshire unpacks AOC’s critique of the Green Party and helps the show dive deep into the idea of Harris separating herself from Biden’s zionist bloodlust, plus, your calls and IMs!

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Past Episodes

Happy Friday! Sam and Emma speak with Heather Digby Parton, contributing writer at Salon.com and proprietor of the blog Hullabaloo, to round up the week in news. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on Trump’s cuts to the Social Security Administration, Musk’s attacks on NOAA, the ...
It's an EmMajority Report Thursday! She speaks with Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President at the Quincy Institute For Responsible Statecraft, to discuss the U.S.'s recent turn against its allies and towards Russia and other world powers. Then, she speaks with Hanno Hauenstein, independent ...
It's Hump Day! Sam speaks with Chris Geidner of the Law Dork newsletter on SubStack, to provide some updates on a number of court challenges to the Trump Administration's directives & executive orders. First, Sam runs through updates on the GOP’s budget resolution, US-Ukraine relations, ...