
2/21 Billionaires Attack NLRB & Gaza Doctor Abducted w/ Seth Goldstein & Dr, Tarek Loubani

February 21, 2024

It’s Hump Day! First, in a pre-taped conversation, Sam speaks with Seth Goldstein, legal counsel for Trader Joe’s United & the Amazon Labor Union (ALU), to discuss a recent legal filing by Amazon, Trader Joe’s, and SpaceX that alleges that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is unconstitutional. Then, Emma speaks with Dr. Tarek Loubani, associate professor at the University of Western Ontario and leader of the Glia Project, to discuss what is happening on the ground now that hospitals in Gaza are mostly non-operational. First, Emma runs through updates on the US vetoing a UN ceasefire resolution for the THIRD time, Gaza’s dire situation, Ukrainian troops, US sanctions on Russia, Trump’s legal woes, the FBI’s Biden Informant and his foreign connections, SCOTUS attacks, student debt, Starbucks unions, and the murder of a nonbinary child in Oklahoma, before watching Nikki Haley put on her best Hillary Clinton pants(uit) and accuse Trump of Russia-connected authoritarianism. Then, Sam is joined by Sam Goldstein as they dive into the evolution of the legal attacks on the NLRB, beginning with Amazon’s objections to the NLRB’s role in the Amazon Labor Union elections of 2022, and seeing Elon Musk file suit against the NLRB’s constitutionality in the wake of a decision against SpaceX. Next, Goldstein steps back, walking through the establishment of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935 as an attempt to institutionalize the conflict between labor and management in an attempt to somewhat protect workers’ rights, and the near-nonexistent changes in its management (outside of the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act) over the following eight decades, despite the overwhelming changes to the labor market with the rise of Tech and the gig economy. After tackling the history of challenges to its unconstitutionality, Seth walks Sam through the three major planks of SpaceX’s case – namely: the requirement of good cause for Presidents to remove NLRB judges, the Seventh Amendment right to a jury, and the Board’s combination of legislative, judicial, and executive powers. Exploring each point, Goldstein tackles the absurdity of each point within the broader operations of the US government, and the devastating impact the case could have on both the NLRB and the administrative state writ large. After discussing SpaceX’s attempt to keep this legal battle in Texas, Goldstein wraps up with Trader Joe’s similar case coming out of Connecticut, the threat IT poses to the NLRB, and what to expect moving forward. Dr. Tarek Loubani then joins, first parsing through his experience doing humanitarian and medical work in Gaza over the last decade, and touching on his experiences during Gaza’s Great March of Return in 2018, which saw thousands of Gazans shot during peaceful and civil demonstrations against their conditions, including Dr. Loubani himself. Next, Loubani assesses the complete devastation of Gaza’s medical care during Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of the region, with Israel’s active attacks on both medical institutions and medical personnel setting a new standard for depraved warfare, also exploring the harrowing and devastating realities of genocide and apartheid on the ground, from both a medical and broader perspective. Tarek also discusses his experiences at Al-Shifa Hospital, and unpacks the insane claim that Hamas could operate its military out of overpacked and overwhelmed medical centers, before wrapping up by addressing the active culpability and complicity of the West and the need to hold our politicians accountable.

And in the Fun Half: Emma is joined by the great RM Brown as they tackle the NBA All-Star game, watch Norm Finkelstein dunk on Rabbi Shmuley, and touch on some highlights from Rabbi Shmuley’s agitprop tape. They also watch Dr. Irfan Galaria reflect on his experiences in Gaza with Joy Reid, and bask in the heckling of genocide-endorsers Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, plus, your IMs!

Follow Seth on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/SethGoldstein13

Check out the “Repair Gaza” campaign courtesy of the Glia Project here: https://www.launchgood.com/campaign/rebuild_gaza_help_repair_and_rebuild_the_lives_and_work_of_our_glia_team#!/

Find out more about the Glia Project here: https://glia.org/

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Check out a preview of Janek Ambros’s documentary “Ukrainians in Exile” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6HGVL6FJ-U&ab_channel=AssemblyLineEntertainment

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