
9/13 Graham’s Abortion Ban Gambit, Looming Massive Rail Strike, Trumps DOJ Corruption w/ Mike Duncan

September 13, 2022

Emma is back! Sam and her break down the biggest headlines of the day. Then they are joined by Mike Duncan, host of the Revolutions podcast, and author of the recent book Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution. Sam and Emma run through updates on the Nurses’ strike in Minnesota, the DOJ going Oprah-mode with their subpoenas (you get one!), and what state primaries we will see today, before diving deeper into the GOP’s history of pushing the DOJ towards corrupting their reporting of voter fraud, exploring how Trump and Barr took a page out of George W. Bush’s book in their treatment of a US Attorney in the Southern District of New York. Next, they jump into the recent freight rail strike across multiple unions in the US, exploring the horrendous working conditions (including NO sick leave) that spurred this action, and debating where Biden’s NLRB will fall on this fight (and the massive impact that could have). They also discuss Lindsey Graham’s federal abortion ban proposal, the absurdly stupid timing of it, and how it gives away the game in the GOP’s long-term plans to get rid of reproductive care, taking on the impact it might have in the leadup to the midterms, what the goals of the two parties are in these elections, and why the discourse around abortion has so benefitted the Democrats. They wrap up the news day by touching on the recent case accepted by the Supreme Court, Talevski v Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County, and the impact it might have on Medicaid and the administrative state. Mike Duncan then joins, as he situates how his study of the Democratic revolutions of the 18th and 19th Centuries brought to the fore the role of THEE Marquis de Lafayette in these wars, traveling from revolution to revolution to deploy his expertise against the British and French ruling class. Duncan explores the patterns the revolutions of this era saw, the importance of a divided working class, and how Lafayette fits into these systems, before a smaller conversation on what the revolutions of these eras actually entailed. Wrapping up, they have a broader discussion of revolutions, including those Duncan has written about in the past, and the systems and structures that lead to them, situating where the current US

And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma watch Glenn Greenwald continue to pitch Democrats caring about the rise of fascism as “Leftist Hypocrisy” and an attempt to “punish dissent,” with Tucker and Hannity clinging to the danger of “investigating” things, and have a greater conversation about the corrupt role of American intelligence and the necessary role of the IRS. Multi-Ivy alum Ron DeSantis comes out against four-year private education (presumably in preference of the 8-year Yale-Harvard track that he took) and a Minnesota republican asks for more nuance in his ability to vote “Yes” or “No, struggles to add it (largely due to “Maybe” votes not existing), and Don Bolduc, NH Senate GOP Favorite, takes “abolishing the Senate” to a whole new level of “abolishing the right to vote for your Senator,” plus, your calls and IMs!

MIKE IS ON TOUR! Check him out here: https://www.newmediatouring.com/artist/mike-duncan/

Check out Mike’s podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/revolutions/id703889772

Check out Mike’s book here: https://www.publicaffairsbooks.com/titles/mike-duncan/hero-of-two-worlds/9781541730328/

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Check out Don Moynihan’s piece on abortion here: https://donmoynihan.substack.com/p/debunking-the-false-comparisons-between

Check out Ava Raiza’s music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/

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