
1/7 Will The Country Just Accept Minority Rule Forever? w/ Osita Nwanevu & Judy Gold

January 7, 2022

It’s Casual Friday! Sam hosts Osita Nwanevu, contributing editor at The New Republic, to wrap up the week in news and discuss his recent piece in the New York Times, “Trump Isn’t the Only One To Blame for the Capitol Riot.” Osita sits down to unpack the project of Republican grievance that has been built over the last few decades, boiling over into violence last 1/6. Osita explores how conservatives have been forced to grapple with seeing themselves as a political majority while they see the culture slip away from their values. First, he and Sam contextualize this within the last few decades, exploring how Senate Republicans have last represented a majority of voters in the 90s, despite holding a majority of seats about half of the time, and how this, along with a similar situation with the presidency, has allowed analysis to take over the right that ignores the structure of our political system, allowing them to interpret the electorate as conservative. They then dive into the narrative set up by this ideology, seeing any success of a progressive agenda on the electoral or cultural fronts as a result of Democratic conspiracy to undermine the conservative majority, and look at how Democratic institutionalists have internalized the fight for white moderate support as a necessity in politics, thus only working to reinforce this idea that they must constantly be catered to. They wrap up the interview by exploring how leftist organizing can work to do what the DNC won’t, building infrastructure on the ground to create a base that fights for its majority representation without conceding to a moderate conservatism that is antithetical to its platform. Sam also touches on some upcoming court cases taking on testing mandates, vaccine mandates, and Congress’s capacity for delegation.

Then, Sam is joined by comedian Judy Gold, host of the Kill Me Now podcast, as she makes her 2022 MR debut! Judy and Sam take on the 1/6 anniversary, the conservative fear of actually saying “fuck you” to a president, and the state of having children in Omicron. And in the Fun Half, Sam touches on the oral arguments for the SCOTUS case on vaccine mandates, Teacher Lauren discusses the failure of localities to stand behind their teachers and students, and Dennis Prager reminds us that 1/6 insurrectionists were unarmed, metaphorically. Elon Musk’s single lane, Tesla-only tunnel in Las Vegas turns out to not help congestion, Peter McIndoe preaches about the self-care of letting yourself breathe drone-free air, and Adam from OH-6 discusses a potential plan to run for Congress, plus, your calls and IMs!

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