
11/5 Midterm Elections Preview w/ MR Crew

November 5, 2018

On today’s show: Ohio congressional candidate Danny O’Connor explains how GOP will take away your healthcare in debate against Republican Troy Balderson. Stacey Abrams calls her opponent Brian Kemp an “architect of voter suppression.” Morning Joe reveals Trump once admitted he plays the race card: “I know it’s bad, but it works.” Trump says the media are the ones creating violence in America with their fake news lies. Steve Martin lookalike chants “CNN sucks!” outside a Miami Trump rally.

On the fun half: John from San Antonio (@cacophousminuti) on the nation’s most flippable districts. Sam challenges Steven Crowder to debate in trippy video. “Reformed Republican” @chckpeas cons conservatives by pretending to join “walk away” movement. Why does the GOP hate Nancy Pelosi? Would employers use Medicare-for-all as an excuse to pay their workers less? Will the GOP stage a coup if the Dems win big? Some thoughts on government and “efficiency.” Trump does not regret selling American bombs to Saudi Arabia, says Saudis just “don’t know how to use” them. A plug for Professor Lawrence Brown’s study of segregated Baltimore. How to talk to white liberals about the need for gun control. The difference between leftists and liberals.

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Past Episodes

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