
6/4 Tim Shorrock: The North Korean & US Summit Explained

June 4, 2018

Donald Trump lies for no apparent reason about reading a letter presented by a North Korean envoy.

Journalist and author of Spies for Hire Tim Shorrock, (@TimothyS), explains why both South and North Koreans want a peace deal. The stakes for reunification for both South and North Korean perspectives. What is Kim Jong Un’s strategy?  What are the interests of the United States? The militarized nature of US policy in Korea. What are China’s interests? Why Trump is doing the right thing in meeting with North Korea and the liberal freakout isn’t helping. Is there any actual downside to the Trump meeting? John Bolton’s attempts to undermine the negotiations? Could this be the end of the Korean War? Japan’s hawkish approach and Russia’s push for economic integration and what is the role of the United Nations in finalizing any diplomatic agreement.

On the Fun Half: John from Saint Antonio tells us what to look out for in tomorrows state primaries.  Raygun is going to see a Dave Rubin show. The test ballon of separating families at the border and what’s next in the war on immigration. Senator Jeff Merkley, goes to a child detention center and is asked to leave. A bizarre caller tries to defend ICE showing up at Jake Flores’s apartment. The Baker Case.  Tomi Lehren, is shockingly a total hypocrite. Rick Santorum blames Obama for the racism of Trump and his supporters. An MSNBC segment the smile of the day segment is actually a sign of American dystopia. Sean Spicer tries get back into Trump’s good graces. FBI agent accidentally shoots someone at a dance off and and your calls and IMs.  

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