Professor Richard D. Wolff (@profwolff), of U Mass Amherst and The New School, joins us to discuss the continuing relevance of Marx.
On today’s show: Sam Nunberg changes course on complying with Mueller’s subpoena. Professor Richard D. Wolff (@profwolff) returns to talk Marxism, crisis, and economic democracy. How the financial crisis of 2008 awoke many Americans to the fatal flaws of capitalism and made them curious about socialism. How globalization and the credit industry have harmed the working class. The Corbyn-led Labour Party’s plan to democratize the economy via worker coops. A brief analysis of MMT. The past failures and future potential of unions. For more Richard D. Wolff, check out Democracy at Work and Economic Update.
On the fun half: Florida state rep. Elizabeth Porter says children have no right to influence gun control policy. Dana Loesch responds (sort of) to CT governor calling the NRA terrorists. Jeff Sessions suddenly cares about states’ rights. Susan Page and Jeremy Peters unwittingly contradict each other re: microaggressions. Some Puerto Ricans critical of San Juan mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz. NRA TV chuds angry you can wear a Colin Kaepernick jersey to vote. Trump claims he’ll build the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem for $250k. Anthony in Miami questions the blue wave. How to make sure you haven’t been purged from the voter rolls. Jamie’s dad calls in to wish her a pre-emptive happy birthday, and another quality Raygun call.
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