
12/28 Jane Mayer on Right-Wing Dark Money, Kasich Lectures Jews on Old Testament, & Lewis Lapham on Fascism

December 28, 2016

2/3 Jane Mayer: Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right

The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer author of Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, explains and the new role of oligarchs in American politics.

-The difference between now and the robber baron era. More people work for the Koch Brothers than the Republican National Committee. The Koch’s cultural project. The Powell Memo and the deep history of the American Right.

-How the actual “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” works. The war on academics and objective science. How we subsidize the Kochs and their toxic industries. Why the Kochs backed the bank bailouts.

-The influence of this money in the 2016 election season on the GOP side. How Donald Trump is the only Republican who they can’t control.

-Koch money and global warming denial and when the Kochs targeted Jane Mayer for a smear job.

“Kasich Thinks He Schools Jewish Scholars on Bible Basics”

Published on Apr 14, 2016
John Kasich manages to have literally no self-awareness whatsoever as he sets a new bar for arrogance whilst explaining Bible stories to Talmudic scholars—in this case, ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews in Borough Park, Brooklyn. Talmudic scholars devote their lives to studying scripture. John Kasich seems to have a cursory knowledge of a children’s Bible, or something along those lines. It would be embarrassing to watch if he wasn’t such a terrible person.

And for members, from the archives: Sam spoke with Lewis Lapham on the characteristics of fascism.

Past Episodes

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