
1/11 Chris Savage: The Poisoning of Flint’s Water

January 11, 2016

Chris Savage, the Publisher of Publisher of Eclectablog, explains the decisions that led to the poisoning of Flint Michigan’s water supply with lead. How state officials ignored warnings that Flint’s water was sunder threat. How lead damages children for the rest of their lives. What the State is doing to reverse the crisis. The City Manager system and the Lead poisoning of Flint and will anyone be held criminally accountable for what has happened in Flint? (9:42)

Sam on Flint and the massive environmental crisis in Porter Ranch California. (28:35)

On The Fun Half: why is Marco Rubio running ads against Chris Christie? What establishment candidate will stay in the race? Bernie Sanders is picking up momentum in Iowa. We talk with a recovering Libertarian. How do we move the country to the left. Maine’s Governor, Paul LePage is a insane racist and Chris Christie loves him and your calls and IMs.

Past Episodes

It's Casual Friday! Sam and Emma speak with Mehdi Hasan, founder, CEO, and editor-in-chief of the new media company Zeteo, to discuss the biggest stories of the week and his new venture. First, Sam & Emma check in on Trump's trial, where people are concerned about how he keeps falling ...
It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! Emma speaks with César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández, Chair in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties at Ohio State University, to discuss his recent book Welcome the Wretched: In Defense of the “Criminal Alien”. Then, she speaks with Schuyler Mitchell, writer and ...
It's Hump Day! Sam speaks with Tyler Vasseur, letter carrier and shop steward in the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), Branch 9, to discuss his recent piece in Labor Notes entitled "Momentum for Open Bargaining Grows in the Letter Carriers." Then, Sam speaks with David Dayen, ...