
12/4 Casual Friday: Cliff Schecter & H. Jon Benjamin

December 4, 2015

Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains the common thread of America’s insane gun laws in the terror attacks in Colorado and California. Why being an arms dealer should make you socially ostracized. Reshaping the culture of guns and society. A new Gun TV channel and Every study shows that more guns make communities less safe. Now women can serve in any combat role in the military. How social change happens and Donald Trump continues to dominate.

H. Jon Benjamin and Sam reflect on their upbringing and he explains his reasoning behind releasing a Jazz album. The reviews of Jon’s album have not been great. Were the musicians Jon worked with offended by his lack of ability to play. Is Jon’s son proud of him?

On The Fun Half: Why did the San Bernardino County terrorist attacks. Donald Trump makes a lot of Jew jokes to a roomful of Republican Jewish crowd. A conservative teen twitter war.  And your calls and IMs.

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Past Episodes

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