
4/24 Haley Sweetland Edwards: The Corporate “Free Speech” Racket

April 24, 2014

Time Magazine political Correspondent and former Washington Monthly Editor Haley Sweetland Edwards, explains the roots of corporate “free speech” rights, how the corporate sector sought opportunities to devolve Free Speech law, the corporate sectors attack on the NLRB, the role of the assault on organized labor, the “Free Speech” rights of corporations, higher and lower standards of scrutiny in legal decision making, how corporations are using speech law to undermine all government regulation, how corporations are dodging public disclosure, Ralph Nader’s unwitting role in expanding commercial corporate speech, does the First Amendment provide rights to people or does it include corporate speech? Where corporations want speech rights to go and the problem with free speech purism.

On The Fun Half: Cliven Bundy with new pro slavery comments, Dana Loesch says Bundy suffered from lack of media training, how do hate groups form, Random Rush and your IMs.

Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here!

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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