
2/19 Janeane “Katherine Harris” Garofalo: & Healthcare Exchanges

February 19, 2013

“Katherine Harris”, celebrated Presidents Day in Shelby County Alabama, reacted to President Obama’s SOTU, explained that “white people have it hard enough” she and Sam argued about Stop and Frisk, the Jesus “entrance strategy”, what’s going on with Michele and Marcus Bachman and gives her take on the KeystoneXL pipeline.

Gary Cohen Director, Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight at the Department of Health A Human Services, explained how health exchanges will work and the why the exchanges have common national platforms.

On The Better Half: Fox does an “in depth” report on Pre-School education and shockingly get almost everything wrong, Ron Paul’s UN crusade pushes forward, all wage gains captured by the 1%, retirement funds are decimated and Simpson-Bowles still pushing their snake oil and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on the morning thread!

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Past Episodes

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It’s Hump Day! Sam and Emma speak with Jennifer Berkshire, freelance journalist and co-host of the Have You Heard podcast, to discuss her recent book The Education Wars: A Citizen's Guide And Defense Manual, co-authored with Jack Schneider.  First, Sam and Emma run through updates on the ...