
12/6 OccupyOurHomes, Mark Bray, bad climate news

December 6, 2011

Hello, Tuesday!

Mark Bray from Occupy Wall Street is here to give us an update on today’s OccupyOurHomes day of action largely considered the most important day for the Occupy Movement since the eviction from Zuccotti Park.  He will be marching with many, many others from Brooklyn on a tour of foreclosed homes.  He gives us the details of the nationwide campaign.

Also in the show, Sam talks about the latest studies on carbon emissions revealing just how dire the situation is.

And in the better half, Fox’s hilarious take on the menace of the Muppet Movie,  why the government should be borrowing MOR, your calls, IMs and more.

Join us!

Organizing for Occupation

#OCCUPYOURHOMES #OWS #DECEMBER6 #D6 – GET THE WORD OUT from Rhodes Pictures on Vimeo.

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