
Wednesday August 17 2011

August 17, 2011

Hump Day’s here!

Peter Mougey, President of Piaba, joins us today on the program. We’ll be discussing shareholder’s rights. Tons more to talk about, so be sure to tune in!

The email from listener Frank that was read on the air today:


I keep hearing about “shared sacrifice”. Since I bought my house 4.5 years ago and my income has declined, here is what I have given up.
All the equity in my house.
Yard service
I’m putting off car maintenance that really needs to get done.
Home maintenance.
Dining out (never used to think much about this, now it’s only an occasional treat).
Donating to my favorite podcast (yours).
Health care. Over the years, my policy has changed from a low deductible PPO to a policy with a $4,000 deductible. I’m skipping treatment for back pain because I can’t afford to pay for the doctor’s visits.
How much would we have to tax a billionaire or even a decamillionaire so their standard of living would change even 1% as much as mine? How much would you have increase taxes on a Koch brother for them to put off maintenance of a corporate jet? How much would you have to raise the taxes on a Walton for them to have to defer their health care? How much would you have to raise taxes on Richard Mellon Scaife before he is forced to do his own landscaping? At what marginal tax rate would force Darrell Issa to delay an oil change or the 100,000 mile service in his car?
I think you get my point.



Past Episodes

It's Casual Friday! Sam and Emma speak with Mehdi Hasan, founder, CEO, and editor-in-chief of the new media company Zeteo, to discuss the biggest stories of the week and his new venture. First, Sam & Emma check in on Trump's trial, where people are concerned about how he keeps falling ...
It’s an EmMajority Report Thursday! Emma speaks with César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández, Chair in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties at Ohio State University, to discuss his recent book Welcome the Wretched: In Defense of the “Criminal Alien”. Then, she speaks with Schuyler Mitchell, writer and ...
It's Hump Day! Sam speaks with Tyler Vasseur, letter carrier and shop steward in the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), Branch 9, to discuss his recent piece in Labor Notes entitled "Momentum for Open Bargaining Grows in the Letter Carriers." Then, Sam speaks with David Dayen, ...